“Build relationships, not links.”

(Scott Wyden Kivowitz)


The market is in continuous transformation, therefore it is no longer possible to make ‘reactive’ choices.

On the contrary, the choices must be based on a series of objective and forecast analyses in order to achieve good commercial planning. But that’s not enough! The most important aspect is the constant monitoring of advances that often lack in companies or are not very effective, putting at stake a position on the market capable of generating a lasting competitive advantage.

The commercial supervision carried out by Mikaline provides direct and continuous support to the personnel operating in the commercial department.

The ‘temporary service’ offered with the involvement of Mikaline professionals proposes to provide daily support both to commercial and to the group of agents / operators within the whole sales department with programs for contacting new potential customers already in the portfolio. Through the following steps:

• Adoption of the CRM (properly implemented or re-engineered)

• Periodic staff meetings (conducted by experienced professionals to track the progress)

• Introduction of creative and stimulating incentive programs

Mikaline provides a BOLD and performing approach to improve business results immediately.